Women are amazing, dynamic and to be honest, sometimes hard as heck to shop for.

Quarantined Abroad (in a Fricken PANDEMIC!): Part 1
“I was terrified.” I received my tasking orders. I was to be on a plane in less than a week from the date the order was received headed directly into a 14-day quarantine.

Fasting: Weight Loss, Health & Enlightenment
When living life holistically, we recognize and accept that all things are intertwined and fasting is no exception.
5 Ways to Unwind After a Full Day of Teleworking While Social Distancing
Although it may seem like all is lost, there are plenty of things you can do to unwind after a long day’s stint of teleworking.
“Hello world!” – Pretty Standard… Right?
Greetings Wellness Gang! Welcome to my humble place on the internet. If you’ve ever attempted to create your own blog within WordPress, you know that the first “test” post is titled “Hello World!” It’s actually rather fitting for what an initial post should be about anyway. As of right now, this site is fairly empty and I’m sure you may have taken note of the site tagline “a millennial spin on health, happiness & overall wellness” but what does that mean?!
Let’s unpack that tagline a bit. Not sure if the tagline gave it away but, surprise… I am indeed a millennial! Didn’t see that one coming did you? Some of the most commonly tossed around stereotypes when the word millennial is uttered range from lazy and narcissistic to being referred to as Generation Peter Pan! Ouch… seems like there’s some pretty crappy word association going on. I’ll be the first to admit, those word associations are cringe worthy and far from the truth. For the sake of brevity and avoiding insulting your intelligence, we can go out on a limb here and presume that the tagline simply means this site will offer a different and at times, unexpected approach to health and wellness.
So now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, I do hope you stick around! – Kiki